Planned and implemented the development and consolidation of relationships in the aerospace industry, for a major USA conglomerate
Event Organisers and Key Facilitators of the International Sports Event Management Show (ISEM) and the International Sports Security Show (ISSS)
Hosted a major military exercise and weaponry demonstration conducted by the British Army. including an Industry Exhibition and large corporate hospitality offering.
Workshops to create a strategy and then implement acquisitions and operations for a public company in Cuba
Created a sales programme for a government to realise income from their hitherto unrealised assets
Assisted a national energy supplier to reorder their drilling priorities and revalue the business from under 10m to 300m
Hosted the National Countryside Show at Earls Court, London
Strategy to enter the UK and European Market for a major African entertainment brand
Helped a Government reorganise its vital operations in Washington, DC
Founders of Sport Business Journal
Created a winning strategy for a 300m competitive takeover
Strategy and plan for a consultancy to enter the middle east
Helped to introduce a tech startup into the broadcast industry
Founder and Organiser of the largest video event in the U.K. during the 80s and 90s
Plan and practical assistance in launching operations for a F1 host city
Initiated a team and created the necessary structure and conditions for a major commodities deal
Helped numerous colleagues and entrepreneurs with their opportunities and challenges
Introduced new working methods for a national and international delivery brand
Some projects have been a few weeks, others have been many months.
Fees have ranged from USD 10,000 to in excess of USD2m.

We work at the intersection of sport, bidding, nation branding, soft power and commerce

We work with an entrepreneurial attitude and using our extensive network

We assist teams with their challenges and opportunities

We optimise operations

We make deals for ourselves and others